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In about 50% of new skin cancer and melanoma cases, a suspicious spot is first detected by the patient who notices a new spot or change to an existing spot or mole. An appointment is then made to have it checked with their GP. Melanomas may also be detected by your doctor during a routine skin examination or during a regular health check up.
Procedure of diagnosis:
- Physical examination – Either yourself or GP find a suspicious mole, spot or legion.
- Dermoscopy – If your GP or dermatologist has access to a dermoscope, they may refine their diagnosis further before deciding to proceed to a biopsy.
- Biopsy – A biopsy is a quick and simple procedure where part or all of the spot is removed and sent to a laboratory. The biopsy may be performed by your GP or you can be referred to a dermatologist or melanoma specialist.
- Pathology – The biopsy is sent to pathology for analysis. The next step depends on pathology results.
It is important to do a self check of your skin every 3 months, and yearly with your doctor. It is advisable to have your first skin check when you become a teenager. Ask someone else to check places you can not see or use a mirror.
- Check whole body: head to toe, back, front and sides.
- Check head, neck, scalp, face, lips, ears. Don’t forget soles of feet, between toes and under your nails.
Moles can change rapidly when you are young and during pregnancy. Usually this is of no concern.
Most melanomas develop as a new spot on the skin or in a long-standing mole that changes. It is important to get to know your skin well so that you can recognise any changes. These changes normally occur over a period of several weeks or months, rather than days:
- Increase in size – A mole may expand sideways or become raised. This may be the first sign of a highly dangerous form of melanoma (a nodular melanoma).
- Change in colour – Melanomas often develop a blue or black colour but can be red, pink, purple and grey and some areas may become lighter.
- Change in shape or irregular border – Is usually from a smooth, round border to an irregular, uneven border.
- Itch or bleeding – Recurring itch is an important warning sign but only if there are other changes in the mole. If a mole bleeds for no apparent reason you should have it checked.
- Recent appearance – If a mole or freckle has appeared recently on normal skin, especially if its colour is uneven and it is growing rapidly, you should show it to your doctor.
Note: Information & images from Melanoma Institute of Australia
One in two Australians will develop skin cancer during their lives. Luckily skin cancer can be cured if detected early.
The Dermdoc machine photographs, analyses and detects minute changes in the composition of spots. This makes detecting melanomas easier and means fewer unnecessary operations.
Anyone can get skin cancer and melanoma, but the following increase your risk:
- Fair skin, although even people with darker complexions can develop skin cancer and melanoma.
- Mole count – You have a lot of moles. Over 200 in total or 20 on your arms.
- Previous melanoma or another type of skin cancer.
- Sunburn – You have a history of sunburn and blistering, especially in early childhood or adolescence.
- UV exposure – You work outdoors, use sunbeds or actively seek a tan.
- Family history of melanoma.
- Age/gender – You are male over 55 years.
To help you make the most of your full-body skin examination, we recommend the following:
Before the Exam
- Perform a full-body self exam, including hard to reach areas like the scalp, between the toes and soles of the feet. Make note of any new, changing, itching, or bleeding moles, growths, or other lesions.
- Remove all nail polish – the doctor will check your nail beds as skin cancers can form in these areas too.
At the exam
- Wear clothing that is easy to remove.
- The examination will take approximately 10 minutes depending on how many moles you have.
- Ask the doctor to examine closely any moles, growths, or lesions you noted during your skin self-exam.
- The doctor may biopsy (remove a layer of skin for examination under a microscope) suspicious looking growths.
- Have the doctor show you how to do a proper skin self-exam; you should know where to look and what to look for.
- Ask questions and take notes if you wish, we are here to address any concerns you may have.
Yes. All our doctors are happy to see new patients.